Sunday, June 14, 2009

Apparently 46 Celsius is 115 Fahrenheit.

It was hot. Real hot.
But also unbelievably stunning, serene, magical.


Cate said...

You can see sweat marks if you look close enough! Too, we were shortly thereafter asked to pose in a series of photographs with Indians - a funny request that we get often. I even had a guy trying to hold my hand in a picture yesterday. ah!

Kathleen said...

I am a pro at celsius to farenheit estimations around what should be a normal human body temp... for some reason Emory gives patient temperatures in celsius these days. 46 is waayyyy too hot!

also, y'all look great! I'd want to take pics with you too ;)

Unknown said...

Can't see sweat marks. You both look great. How's the curry?